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  • webinar of Game Changer in Endo: Gentlewave

    Game Changer in Endo: Gentlewave

    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 263 888 4893
    Passcode: 742275

  • “Prevention, Management, and Confronting Research Misconduct”

    June 12 th
    International Webinar 2024 “Prevention, Management, and Confronting Research Misconduct”

    10:00 Iran
    06:30 GMT
    Prevention, Management, and
    Confronting Research Misconduct
    For Further Information and Registration, Click Here

  • 9th International Hybrid Seminar (Speech 17) Poland & Iran Seminar

    9th International Hybrid Seminar (Speech 17) Poland & Iran Seminar

  • The 9th international seminar and the seventh seminar of the Union of Taftash Universities

    The 9th international seminar and the seventh seminar of the Union of Taftash Universities hosted by the Faculty of Civil and Transportation Engineering of Isfahan University with a speech by one of the site universities

    Yildiz, Türkiye on the subject of Heritage Masonry Components and Damage Mechanisms 

  • The International Webinar: "Perceptual Effects of Sensorineural Hearing Loss"

    The International Webinar: "Perceptual Effects of Sensorineural Hearing Loss", a crucial topic in Rehabilitation, will be held virtually on 29th April 2024.

    It will be held in a virtual way on 29th April 2024, coordinated by the Rehabilitation Faculty and the colleague of the Appraise To Raise Group of the International Vice-Chancellor of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

  • The Eastern Mediterranean Regional Director of the World Health Organization visited the Isfahan University of Medical Science

    The Eastern Mediterranean Regional Director of the World Health Organization, Dr. Hanan Balkhi, and her accompanying team visited the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences on April 14, 2024. They met with the Deputy Minister of Health, the Director-General of International Affairs at the Ministry of Health, the President, Vice Presidents, senior managers, and a group of professors and researchers from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences to discuss scientific advancements, research, and health services in the field of public health.


  • International Symposium of Patient Safety

    The School of Nursing and Midwifery of Tehran University of Medical Sciences along with the Appraise to Raise Department of the Vice Chancellery of International Affairs of that university is going to hold the first International Symposium with the subject of "Patient Safety" on 21st of February. For more information please check the link below:

  • Webinar of Melancholic Syndrome in the View of TPM, TEM, and Ayurveda

    The School of Iranian Medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences along with the Appraise to Raise Department of the Vice Chancellery of International Affairs of that university is going to hold the webinar with the subject of Melancholic syndrome in the view of TPM, TEM, and Ayurveda on 6th of February. For more information please check the link below:

  • Three international specialized webinars in the field of ophthalmology

    Three international specialized webinars in the field of ophthalmology, holding the 29th annual seminar of Farabi Hospital virtually the International Chancellor of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in collaboration with the group of Appraise To Raise, April 26, 2024

  • webinar of Immersive Learning for Engaging student learning experiences Designing

    Considering the necessity and importance of using new educational technologies in the fields related to teaching and research and its role in improving the learning performance of students, the  webinar “Immersive Learning for Engaging student learning experiences Designing“ will be held in cooperation with the Scientific Association of ECO Cooperation Organization on 16/04/2024

    For more information please check the link below:

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