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  • Gummy Smile Treatment Planning and Esthetic Crown Lengthening

    Webinar of Gummy Smile Treatment Planning and Esthetic Crown Lengthening,

    In cooperation with the Faculty of Dentistry and the Appraise To Raise group Tehran at 07:30 on December 10, Saturday in Tehran Medicine university

  • Webinar "Introduction to virtual reality and metaverse

    Webinar "Introduction to virtual reality and metaverse: its applications in education and medicine" jointly presented by Dr. William Hirst-Professor of Wageningen University in the Netherlands and Dr. Majid Zare Bidaki-Professor of Birjand University of Medical Sciences Monday 30/07/1403 from 11:30 to 12:30 will be held in Google Meet.
  • “Back-Pressure Anesthesia and Postoperative Pain” Webinar
    Department of root canal therapy, Faculty of Dentistry and International Vice-Chancellor, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

    “Back-Pressure Anesthesia and Postoperative Pain” Journal club

    31 October 2024

  • Oman Health Exhibition

    On October 2-4, 1403, Oman Health Exhibition was held in Muscat. More than 80 booths from India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Iran participated in this exhibition. Isfahan booth with 11 university centers and 10 private centers. They attended this exhibition.


  • Dynamic Navigation System in Implant Dentistr webinar

    link of the information about webinar:

  • The third international conference and exhibition of hospitals and medical centers (IPH2024)

    The third international conference and exhibition of hospitals and medical centers (IPH2024) will be held from the 17th to 19th August 1403 at the International Conference Center of the Broadcasting Organization in Tehran. This international event is hosted by the Health Tourism Development Center of Islamic Countries and the Health Tourism Association of Tehran Province, with the support of international associations and organizations active in the health industry and medical tourism, as well as hospitals, clinics, and companies related to the health industry.

  • The Webinar of Magnification in Endo: What, When& Why


    Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences International Dentistry Webinar "Magnification in Endo: What, When& Why"

    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 263 888 4893
    Passcode: 742275

  • The webinar of : “Enhancing Social Accountability in Education"

    Iran University of medical science  with  Appraise To Raise group : The webinar of  “Enhancing Social Accountability in Education"

     The link of webinar:

  • The webinar of ''AI in Health Professions Education''

    Iran University of medical science  with  Appraise To Raise group

    The webinar of ''AI in Health Professions Education''

    The link of webinar:

  • webinar of Game Changer in Endo: Gentlewave

    Game Changer in Endo: Gentlewave

    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 263 888 4893
    Passcode: 742275

What we do

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Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityViewBuilder->buildComponents() (Line: 24)
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