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Vice-Chancellery for Food and Drug

Vice-Chancellery for Food and Drug


The Vice-Chancellery for Food and Drug consists of four offices overseeing the core functions of the agency including:


- Office for Supervision on Food, Cosmetics and Hygienic Products

- Office for Supervision on Drugs and Narcotics

- Office for Drug, Food, Cosmetics and hygienic Product’s QC Laboratory

- Office of Research & Development


The Vice-Chancellery for Food and Drug has a major role in protecting and promoting public health by assuring the safety and quality of food, beverage, cosmetics and hygienic products, drugs, medical devices, herbal medicines and dietary supplements.


Main responsibilities:


- Regulation and supervision of drugs, food, cosmetics and hygienic products manufacturing process and supply chain for assuring the quality and safety and proper labeling of products


- Development of strategies for regulation and monitoring the use of additives and minimizing pesticide residues, heavy metals and toxins in food, cosmetics and hygienic products


- Helping industries to enhance the quality of drugs, food, cosmetics and hygienic products


- Regulation and supervision of pharmacies and drug supply chain to improve the quality of services and logistics of supply


- Regulation and supervision of medical devices supply chains for pharmacies and medical services


- Supervision of the production, distribution, prescription and usage of controlled drugs and addictive substances


- Promotion of the rational use of drugs and surveillance of adverse drug reactions


- Advancing public health information and literacy through consulting services and Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) studies in the field of food, cosmetics and hygienic products as well as drugs and poisonous    products


- Performing and promoting research on food and drugs


Address: 6th Alley, Hezar-Jerib St., Isfahan, Iran



What we do

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Drupal\Core\Field\FormatterBase->view() (Line: 268)
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Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityViewBuilder->buildComponents() (Line: 24)
Drupal\node\NodeViewBuilder->buildComponents() (Line: 282)
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Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->terminate() (Line: 22)