Department of Clinical Biochemistry was nitially established in 1967 at Pharmacy School of MUI. All basic and clinical biochemistry and related courses in the whole university are presented and taught by the faculty members of the biochemistry department. The Department of Clinical Biochemistry is also responsible for educating the postgraduate courses as well as conducting different sort of research projects. For the first time in 1973 and 1989, the MSc degree and Ph.D. degree courses for clinical biochemistry were presented by the department, respectively. The department contributes to diagnosis and control of patient treatment by measuring the concentration of relevant molecules in body fluids (blood, urine, spinal fluid) and by examining structural defects in the molecules. The latter is accomplished through analysis of, for example, DNA and protein structures.
Some undergoing activities in clinical biochemistry department have been summarized as:
• Providing theoretical and practical education in basic and clinical biochemistry sciences for medical students as well as all other fields of medical sciences in the undergraduate and postgraduate levels;
• Carrying out the fundamental, clinical and applied researches in the various fields of biochemistry;
• Actively participating in the implementation of research projects into clinical sciences through collaboration with other researchers and research departments of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences;
• Examining and developing the biochemical methods for their optimal use in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human diseases;
• Setting high-quality research strategy in the field of medical biochemistry aimed at creating new insights, improve the health condition of the community members and overcome diseases;
• Achieving advanced proficiency in clinical biochemistry and implementing high-quality systems in the affiliated clinical laboratories of the MUI;
• Commitment to excellence in biochemistry education as well as scientific research and community services through collaboration with other relevant national and international departments and institutions