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Pediatric Nursing Department

Department of Educational Pediatric Nursing Department was established in 1986. In 1988-89 the first group of postgraduate (Master of Science degree) pediatric nursing students were admitted in this department.In 2009-2010 NICU in Master of Science level was launched and the first group of students were admitted in this discipline. In 2009-2010 pediatric nursing in Master of Science level as a sub-discipline (trend) changed into a discipline.The aim of educational department of pediatrics is educating and training skillful, competent, adept, committed, creative, proficient, caring, efficient and reliable students with human high values.Educational mission of Pediatric department is training committed, proficient and efficient students who, by achieving experiences and professional abilities and benefiting knowledge of day with a society-oriented attitude consistent with scientific principles, are able to provide pediatrics and newborn with required healthcare and rehabilitation services in acceptable standard levels and sustain promotion of society health level emphasizing family-centered team care; that is to say,Educating students to achieve research and inquiry skills;Expanding scholarship in line with the promotion of pediatrics and newborn health level in society;Extending society-oriented attitude and promotion of pediatrics and newborn nursing care quality and developing pediatric nursing knowledge;Providing opportunities for expanding the spirit of reciprocity toward promotion of pediatrics and newborn health, andDeveloping pediatrics and newborn care methods.Educating nursing and midwifery students with appropriate clinical and scientific skills in order to offer pediatrics, newborn and the families care and services and also nurturing positive attitude in students toward their own professions.


What we do

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TypeError: implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given in implode() (line 247 of themes/gavias_edubiz/gva_elements/gsc_icon_box.php).
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Drupal\gavias_blockbuilder\shortcodes\gsc_icon_box::sc_icon_box() (Line: 158)
Drupal\gavias_blockbuilder\shortcodes\gsc_icon_box->render_content() (Line: 85)
include() (Line: 92)
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Drupal\gavias_blockbuilder\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\BlockBuilderFormatter->viewElements() (Line: 91)
Drupal\Core\Field\FormatterBase->view() (Line: 268)
Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityViewDisplay->buildMultiple() (Line: 282)
Drupal\layout_builder\Entity\LayoutBuilderEntityViewDisplay->buildMultiple() (Line: 340)
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityViewBuilder->buildComponents() (Line: 24)
Drupal\node\NodeViewBuilder->buildComponents() (Line: 282)
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityViewBuilder->buildMultiple() (Line: 239)
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Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->terminate() (Line: 22)