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About Parasitology and Mycology Department

Department   of  Medical Parasitology and Mycology  consists  of  three  sub groups  including  Parasitology, Mycology and   Entomology.  It is formerly   established   as  department of pathobiology and then carried on as department of  Parasitology  and  Mycology  since  1991. Academic   staff include seven parasitologist, five Mycologist and one  Entomologist .The research area in this  Department  are leishmaniasis, hedadic   cyst,    toxoplasmosis, intestinal parasites, candidiasis, dermatophytosis,  aspergilosis and vector born dideases. In this department students are trained to diagnose infectious agents due to protozoa, helminthes, fungi and insects. Also this department is referral center for diagnosis of parasitic and fungal infection in Isfahan province.

1-To provide a convenient environment for training students in the field of parasitology and mycology.

2- To set up molecular, immunological and conventional techniques for routine and advanced detection of parasites and fungi.

3- To search for new drugs for control and treatment of parasitic and fungal infections.

4- To search for beneficial effects of parasites on treatment of human chronic diseases.

5- To set up antifungal susceptibility tests for clinical isolates

The department has two teaching labs and seven research labs which are including: Protozology, Helminthology, Immuniparasitology, Molecular parasitology, Molecula mycology, cell culture and taxonomy labs.