Infectious disease is responsible for millions of deaths each year. Almost half of death occurs in the developing countries. Infectious diseases can threaten human to other illnesses throughout the rest of their lives. As emerging of new pathogens, and multidrug resistant strains of existing ones continue to be serious public health problem in all countries, Infectious diseases is a major concern for bacteriology and virology department at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. At our department the students learn to progress knowledge related to human health and strategies for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
Established in1968 as the department of Pathobiology and in 1991 as department of Bacteriology and Virology.
- To educate and train students in the field of microbiology and to expand the body of knowledge of this scientific field through research.
- Prepare post-graduate students (M.S. and Ph.D.) with in-depth knowledge and research skills for professional careers in Microbiology;
- Enhance research opportunities for department members, undergraduate and post graduate students.
- Developing the department in education, research and services that can play prominent role in region and international.
Faculty members: 10 faculty members include: 3 professor, 3 associate professor, 2 assistant professor, 1 lecturer.
Molecular aspects of pathogens include disease diagnosis and microbe identification.
Antimicrobial resistance include molecular mechanisms and epidemiology.
Molecular systematic bacteriology.
Molecular virology include molecular biology of phages, phage therapy, epidemiology, antiviral drugs.
Equipped molecular microbiology Lab, General microbiology Lab, Equipped virology Lab, and Cell culture Lab.