Emergency Medicine (EM) is a rapidly expanding and exciting specialty concerned with the initial diagnosis and management of the acute and urgent aspects of illness and injury affecting patients of all age groups with the full spectrum of undifferentiated physical and behavioral disorders. It is the specialty in which time is critical. At Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, the residents learn to be able to look after patients with a wide range of pathologies from the life-threatening to the self-limiting.
They become experts in identifying the critically ill and injured, providing safe and effective immediate care.
They become experts in resuscitation and skilled in the practical procedures needed. They establish the diagnosis and differential diagnosis rapidly,and initiate or plan for definitive care. They work with all the in-patient and supporting specialties as well as primary care and pre-hospital services.
They are able to correctly identify who needs admission and who can be safely sent home.
EM is practiced in the challenging environment of the Emergency Department. The Emergency Physician is an excellent communicator and team player as well as a leader who is able to get the best out of the people he or she works with.
The Emergency Department (ED) is at the heart of Emergency Medicine and care is delivered in a number of different facilities: the resuscitation room. EDs also have observation wards/clinical decision units where further care and testing take place under the guidance of the Emergency Physician, in order to determine which patients may be safely discharged and those that need further in-patient care. They learn to be able to effectively supervise care delivered in these areas and ensure safe and timely care.
They learn to use the best science and evidence-based approaches available in natural or man made disasters and critical care situations.
Established at 2008 as the Department of Emergency Medicine.
- To function as an integral and responsible member of lsfahan University of Medical Sciences.
- To provide patient care, service to the physicians, for the community, region, and country.
- To teach the principles and practice of medicine and emergency medicine to health professionals, students, and house officers of all specialties, including emergency medicine residents.
- To become an influence in local, state, and national emergency medicine academic and political activities.
- To produce research in clinical care, basic science, and health care systems, both in emergency medicine and in interdisciplinary fields.
- To produce national and international academic leaders in emergency medicine.
- The Department of Emergency Medicine is dedicated to improving outcomes of acutely ill and injured patients through high quality, cost efficient care, education, and research.
Faculty members are 13:
- They are committed to provide effective quality emergency medical care for all patients with acute and potential life threatening condition according to their acuity level.
- They conduct high quality studies to enhance research in the field of Emergency Medicine
- They are committed for professional development at all levels through conducting courses, workshops, case studies, and continues medical education and are committed to Undergraduate & Postgraduate education in emergency medicine program and other related programs
- They are committed to Emergency Medicine Science development in IRAN through Postgraduate and Undergraduate Education and participation in different health organizations.
Programs and degrees: Post medical doctor graduate, Speciality degree (Iranian board certified). BS of EMS, AS of EMS.
Careers and the field:
- ED management
- Pain management
- Disaster management
- Critical care
- Point of care ultrasonography (POCUS )
- Trauma and Shock management