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MUI Authorities' visit to Germany (21th of 28th July 2018)

The Chancellor of MUI along with the Director of the International Affairs  and the Vice Chancellor for Education had a visit to Germany.

On this trip they had a meeting with the authorities of DAAD organization in Bonn, as well as the authorities of the University of Freiburg. Following the negotiations with DAAD, the parties consented to make an agreement to offer 6 month joint grants to PhD students.

Also a meeting was held with the Director of the Molecular Medicine and Cell Research Institute of the University of Freiburg regarding the conduct of joint research projects between the two parties. Dr. Changiz, MUI' Chancellor, also visited the psychosomatic joint workshops that were being held by professionals from MUI and Freiburg University. Dr. Changiz gave a lecture at one of the workshops.


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Drupal\Core\Field\FormatterBase->view() (Line: 265)
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