Since February 2020, when the corona pandemic broke out, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, in line with the policies of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, has carried out educational actions in this field in Isfahan province, some of which are as follows:
- - Running a telephone line to answer people's questions and guide patients
- - Development of a training and information campaigns throughout the province regarding the different stages of the disease and production and providing educational resources in various formats such as posters, banners, tracts, pamphlets and clips with a circulation of 300,000 copies for different groups of society.
- - Attract maximum participation and support of important groups including benefactors, partners, decision-makers and even the opposition to empower the community to take care of their health against the disease.
- - Registration of errors in adverse treatment events in the Never Event website, root analysis of reported errors and holding provincial error and risk committees regarding Covid-19 disease
Developing student online education systems: The Coronavirus pandemic has influenced the educational systems, leading to the closure of the physical class settings. Hence teaching at IUMS has been undertaken remotely and on digital platforms, which needed the university to provide a certain infrastructure, including access to broadband and computers. Isfahan University of Medical Sciences has not only considered these conditions and established a functional education system, but also has undertaken to reinforce the communication and telecommunication substructure. Our aim during this difficult and confusing time has been to support students with what we do best.
To achieve this goal, the University Academic Learning Management System (NAVID) is used to provide courses in the form of audio PowerPoint files, small educational videos, and file types. Making a panel of conversations, assignments, testing, reporting, and providing feedback to colleges to improve the quality of courses are other capacities of this system that allows virtual education asynchronously. Moreover, professors mostly use Adobe Connect and Sky room to hold their classes online so that the students can benefit greatly from questioning the professors and use the curriculum and course plans easily.
Development of the university's virtual studio with state-of-the-art equipment such as the highest quality sound recording equipment, advanced video, and lighting equipment, Full HD cameras, lapel microphones, and independent sound recording microphone, modern possibility of live internet broadcasting, control room with advanced hardware and software, recording and editing audio and video is other activities of the university for remote course delivery. It is also to mention that students were divided in very small batches for their practical and clinical classes.