This hospital, with 190 active beds, is the only pediatric subspecialized center in the province of Isfahan.
It has the following wards:
- Surgery: Pediatric & neonatal surgery -E.N.T surgery-Pediatric neurosurgery-Plastic surgery-Urologic surgery-Minimal invasive surgery(laparascopic)
- Pediatric: General-Nephrology-Cardiology-Neurology-Endocrinology-Immunology-Infectous disease-Neonatology- Gastrointestinology- Rheumatology-Toxicology & poisoning-Dentistry
- Intensive care unit: 16 pediatric (PICU)-14 surgical neonate(NICU)-10 neonatal care(NICU)
- 7 Operating room
This hospital also has the following diagnostic and treatment facilities and equipment:
Pediatric dialysis-Ultra Sonography-Radiology-Fluoroscopy-CT scan-MRI-Clinical and Anatomical lab-Molocular Lab (PCR)-Endoscopy-Electroneuro Diagnostic-Echocardiography
The following subspecialized services are offered here:
Referral center for lip and palate cleft surgery- Craniosynostosis surgery in infant-Tumor surgery in neonal and pediatric
The hospital has the following Follow up clinics:
Cleft lip and palate clinic- Anorectal and GI-CF clinic-Endocrine fallow up clinic