This hospital, with about 765 active beds, is the largest subspecialized center in the province of Isfahan.
Has the following wards:
Surgery: Obstetrics and Gynecology - General - Laparoscopy - Infants - Plastic - Thorax - Vascular – Pediatrics- Neurosurgery- Urology - Orthopedics - Otolaryngology -
Internal: General -Pediatric - Neurology - Infectious Diseases
Subspecialized: Rheumatology - Liver & Gastrointestinal Tract - Endocrinology - Nephrology – Hematology and Oncology - Maxillofacial - pulmonology - Cardiology - endocrinology
120 special beds (ICU, NICU, CCU - VIP Department) - 24 operating room beds
Has the following diagnostic and treatment facilities and equipment:Hemodialysis-Peritoneal Dialysis and CRRT- Ultrasonography - Bone Density Measurement - Endoscopy- Colonoscopy- ERCP and Endosonography- Radiology - Echocardiography - CT scan - MRI - Broncoscopy - Internentional Radiology - CT Angiography - Spirometry - Day Clinic - Speciallized Echocardiography - Electroencephoalography - EMG/NCV - Muscle Biopsy - Pathology Department -
The hospital offers the following subspecialized services:
- The only center in Isfahan Province for cochlear implants
- Kidney and Liver transplantation
- Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT)
- Harvest of organs
- The only center in the province for stereotaxic surgery
- Obesity and gastric bypass surgeries
- Endoscopic discectomy
- Neuronavigation in order to drain the tumor and cyst and locating the tumor through software
- Vascular angiography during surgery
- Open-heart surgery and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
- Box osteotomy to correct cranial hypertelorism
- Craniosynostosis Surgery using Endoscopy
- Pathology Department and Genetic
The following paraclinical services are offered here:
- MRI of Children with Thalassemia
- EOS (full-body scan)
- Prenatal Diagnosis (PND) of Genetic Abnormalities